The Social Commerce Day program was closed with a presentation by Karol Filek, outside the box about template projects. The conference, organized in such a picturesque place as Łazienki Królewskie, gave an opportunity to meet two extraordinary issues: architecture of the 17th century and communication of the 21st century. It was an extremely fruitful day that allowed us to reflect and talk about what is most important, most up-to-date and constantly developing at the moment - the presence of the brand on the Internet. How much will ecommerce, social media and big data affect our everyday life? We will know the answer to these questions soon.
The moment let's assume that what is cHome / Blog / News / 75 languages, 170 countries, 5 billion documents. Robert Stalmach sums up 2015 in Newspoint 75 languages, 170 countries, 5 billion India WhatsApp Number List documents. Robert Stalmach sums up 2015 in Newspoint January 8, 2016, Paulina Pocheć It was a good year for Newspoint! There were challenges, twists and surprises, but most of all successes. We are growing, gaining new footholds and introducing new services. Effective monitoring must be comprehensive, which is why one of our priorities is to constantly increase the coverage of all media.
We consistently add new social media sources (including forums and blogs), news portals and services, press titles, magazines, radio stations and TV channels. We are constantly building a data archive - at the moment it is almost 10 years old. This is a great value for research companies, agencies and all end customers who need more advanced analysis. We operate internationally. We collect 75 languages from 170 countries around the world (we can recognize local language versions). This year we will conquer new markets.